Party Wall Act is No Fiesta
Party Wall issues are a great way to snag your grand design before you even start. The contractor will be standing around for potentially weeks before works can begin.
The PArty Wall Act protects both parties that co join a wall. It provides protection to the party doing the works as well as your neighbour. Its best to get the agreement done prior to starting works as it will potentially stop the digger in its tracks.
It can be a simple no fuss affair if handled correctly and with out the pressure of a waiting builder. So contact a Party Wall Surveyor to establish if you require a Party Wall Award or not.
Typically you require a notice or award if you are undertaking works within 3m of a PArty Wall, this will be most scenario on terrace and semi detached properties in London.
Call Bashir for no obligation advice, 02089546291 or email
Download the Party Wall Act Here