We’ve found this week’s great list from BigGreenSwitch.co.uk
Oh dear… we are amongst the most energy wasteful people in Europe according to a recent survey by the EST. 71% of us regularly leave appliances on standby unnecessarily while 67% boil more water than needed in the kettle. In total, the energy we waste as a nation each year is now growing close to the equivalent of powering an additional 7 million non-existent homes! If everyone were to take just a few simple steps to curb our energy wastage, we could have a dramatic effect on cutting the UK’s carbon emissions while, at the same time, all saving ourselves a small fortune in energy bills. Do a little, save a lot!
Keep your fridge and freezer full
Only boil as much water as you need
Turn your thermostat down by 1oC
Wash your laundry at lower temperatures
Switch off lights when a room is not in use
Use the washing line instead of the tumble dryer
Unplug chargers and power supplies when not in use
Shower instead of bathing
Only use the washing machine when you have a full load to wash
Defrost your freezer regularly to keep it running at top performance
If we can do just a number of the above, it will make a big difference! Many of the ideas above you’ll see in Birchway’s Green Charter. More information to follow soon.