Watford Chamber of commerce Event
YOOP Architects attended a breakfast event on the 17 April at the new Jury Inn Hotel in Watford. Organized by the Watford Chamber of Commerce, the guest speaker was Mindy Gibbins-Klein. Mindy Gibbins-Klein is an international speaker, consultant and trainer who helps top business leaders get their wisdom into the market by refining their unique message and planning, writing and publishing excellent books articles, blogs, video and keynotes. Her clients have published over 100 books and hundreds of articles. She is a popular speaker who consistently gets superb feedback from audiences that enjoy her warm yet no-nonsense approach.
Mindy presented, “How to Be a REAL Thought Leader” How entrepreneurs can position themselves to stand out in an increasingly competitive market.
Mindy presented a four point approach based around the easy to remember R (reach), E (engage), A (authority), L (longevity). This was a good boost for confidence and also to focus on the common sense things to do that we sometimes forget. Also how book publishing can be a good way to become an ‘authority’ in your sector. We like Mindy’s company name of ‘bookmidwife’ ( We also met some new business contacts and were able to discuss opportunities in the current market. Support and swapping contacts and ideas was great. We look forward to attending future Watford Chamber of commerce events and catch up with the good people we have met and meet more people in our business community.